Overnight Youth Area Photo Overnight Youth Area Photo pedrocamp3.jpg Overnight Youth Area Photo

This site is approximately 30' x 80' with a surface of dirt and wood chips and a 0% slope. Its vegetation is made up willows, which provide some shade. Expect temperatures of 75°-90°F in the summer. Carts are provided as needed to carry in picnic supplies. No ground fires are allowed at this site. Parking is shared among all park users and is available on a first come, first served basis.

Please contact the reservations desk for availability, fees, regulations and any questions you may have. For pricing information, see Youth Day Camping or Youth Overnight Camping fees on our fees & charges page. Do your part to protect our parks by buying firewood where you burn it.


# seated: 35

Drive to: No

# Standing: 35


Number: 6

Size: 36" x 30"

Shape: Rectangle

Fuel: Charcoal


Available: Yes

Distance: 22 ft.

Faucets: 1

Fountains: 1


Available: No

Distance: n/a

Outlets: n/a

Amps: n/a


Parking: 200 ft.

Playground: n/a

Trails: 200 ft.

Lawn Area: 20 ft.

Rest Rooms: 200 ft.

Trash Area: 15 ft.


# Picnic: 5

Picnic Size: 41" x 84"

Picnic Shape: Rectangle

# Serving: 0

Serving Size: n/a

Serving Shape: n/a


Accessible: Yes

Drive to: Yes

To Parking: 118 ft.

Trails: Yes

Tables: n/a

To Rest Room: 200 ft.