Forest Health

A healthy forest mingles grasses with shrubs and trees to create an open, diverse habitat that is more resilient to parasites and disease. Stronger, more mature trees absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere more effectively, which eases the effects of climate change, and less dense vegetation reduces the potential of a fast-spreading, destructive wildfire. Learn what a healthy forest looks like

Initiative Overview

The San Mateo County Parks Forest Health & Community Safety Initiative seeks improve forest health primarily in parks that are near private dwellings, also called the wildland urban interface. Most of the work will focus on constructing or improving shaded fuel breaks where small trees under 8 inches in diameter, tall brush and dead or dying vegetation is found along park boundaries, fire roads and residential roads.

The initiative identifies 32 projects totaling 1,830 acres to be competed over five years at an estimated cost of $18,750,000. Brief project descriptions for each of the 32 projects can be found in the 2021-2026 Projects document listed below. A 14-point criteria matrix was used to identify and rank high-threat areas. The details for the ranking process can be found in the Project Ranking Informational Spreadsheet, also listed below. Funding for first-year projects have been secured through San Mateo County’s Measure K and grants.

By evaluating and prioritizing critical projects to mitigate threats to life and property for multiple years, the department will be more effective in allocating staff and financial resources to the full scope of the work, including planning, permitting, treatment and retreatment of areas.


  • Begins February 2021
  • Ends June 2026

Forest Health Webinars

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Current Projects Sam McDonald Fuel Reduction Quarry Park Fuel Reduction Memorial Park Fuel Reduction

Past Projects

Huddart Park

Huddart Park Forest Health & Fuel Reduction Project

Re-treatment of Kings Mountain Road Fuel Break

View Project

Pillar Point Bluff

Fuel Reduction near Pillar Ridge Complex

View Project


Wunderlich Park

Wunderlich Park Forest Health & Fuel Reduction Project

View Project

San Bruno Mountain Park

Create and Maintain a Shaded Fuel Break from Crocker Entrance and Guadalupe Canyon Parkway – Daly City

Saddle Loop Gorse Removal

View Project

Edgewood Park

Create and Maintain a Shaded Fuel Break along the Eastern & Southeastern Boundary

View Project