In April 2022 the Parks Department began a 12-month pilot to assess the viability of off-leash dog recreational use of trails in Quarry Park. To evaluate the potential environmental impacts created by the pilot, we have prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and an Adaptive Management Plan (AMP). The AMP is being used to manage and monitor the pilot and to protect the environment while also accommodating the diverse and changing recreational needs of the public over time.
The AMP monitors 8 indicators to evaluate the program:
Presence of dog waste
Fecal coliform levels
Harassment of wildlife
Dog entry into sensitive areas
Dogs traveling off trail
Leash compliance for on-leash trails
Interactions between other visitors and dogs
Changes in park visitation in response to visitors with off-leash dogs
Before the pilot began, from July 2021 through mid-April 2022, we monitored for these indicators and created a baseline data set for on-leash dog recreation in the park. Off-leash data gathered after April 23, 2022 during the pilot will be compared to the baseline data to determine the environmental impact of off-leash dog recreational use in Quarry Park.
The data gathering period for this project is complete. Find the final summary report and the bimonthly data reports attached below.
The data includes observations for all the criteria listed above except for fecal coliform levels. Please note that though baseline data was collected for Pillar Point Bluff, Pillar Point Bluff is not included in the pilot. The Parks Department will next prepare a summary report for the pilot.
Learn more about the Quarry Park Off-leash Dog Pilot