Jean Laur Trail Jean Laur Trail Jean Laur Trail

Jean Lauer Trail wanders the windswept heights of Pillar Point Bluff and is open to hikers, joggers, bicyclists, equestrians, and dog walkers. Portions of this dirt-packed path allow for wheeled conveyances, such as strollers and bicycles. From the parking lot, the trail crosses a seasonal wetland area and heads north (right) to the bluff. The trail continues to the north along the service road and ends at Bernal Ave.

The northern portion of the trail is also part of the California Coastal Trail, which on the north end of the park connects to Bernal Ave and on the south end of the park connects to West Point Avenue via Ross' Cove Trail. (The California Coastal Trail crosses from Jean Lauer Trail to Ross' Cove Trail at trail marker #14.)

Single track trails along the bluff allow visitors to loop around the bluff, bringing them back to the main section of the Jean Lauer Trail.

Trail Information
Park: Pillar Point Bluff

Open to: Bicycling, Dogs Allowed On Leash, Equestrian, Hiking




1.40 miles



Elevation Change: 


Jean Lauer Trail Map