Request Public Records

To request public records, please complete the Public Records Act (PRA) Request form and submit the form by email, mail (address on our Location & Hours page), or in person at the Permit Counter.

Request Copies of Official Building Plans

Pursuant to state law, building owners and design professionals must give permission before we can provide copies of official building plans. You can, however, view official building plans in person during our regular office hours.

How to Apply
To request official building records, complete a Public Records Act Request form, Authorization for the Duplication of Plans, and Affidavit for Plans Reproduction. You can submit the forms by email, mail (address on our Location & Hours page), or in person at the Permit Counter.

NOTE: We do not have equipment to reproduce building plans. Once you have completed the required forms and obtained authorization to copy the building plans, we will refer you to a private firm to arrange for the reproduction of the plans. Any fees associated with the reproduction of plans must be paid directly by you to the private firm.

Request Building/Planning/Zoning Research or Review

If you would like to request detailed building, planning or zoning information that requires staff to analyze, apply, or summarize research findings, please fill out a Request for Planning/Zoning/Building Research or Review form. You can submit the form by email, mail (address on our Location & Hours page), or in person at the Permit Counter.